
Hi, My name is Obi and this is my portfolio!

I'm a Computer Science Major at Cornell. I'm set to graduate in 2022. My main career focus is Programming language research. I am particularly interested in HCI, Programming Languages and Formal Methods. I am currently a research assistant for professor /kilian_q_weinberger. We are working on an application to selectively hide images posted online through image encryption.


I have experience with the following languages

research poster
Novel Face-Controlled Experimental Tool for Toddlers and Young Children /play_and_learning_lab

In this project we attempted to implement a no-calibration face-controlled experimental tool to deliver contingent stimuli and automated participant feedback to very young children.

research poster
Fairness Considerations for Enhanced Team Collaboration /robots_in_groups_lab

I was a collaborator on laboratory experiments to identify key performance and behavioral metrics to enhance robot decision making when deployed within human teams. This study takes fairness considerations into account and focuses on optimal resource allocation decisions.

invaders gif
Xi Compiler

Designed and implemented a compiler for the /Xi_language. The compiler was complete with a lexer, parser and evaluator. Implemented optimization passes to allocate registers, eliminate dead code, fold constants and eliminate common subexpression using Java visitors. Optimizations sped up compiled assembly code by ~40%.

stock exchange simulator gif
JoDy Interpreter

Designed a variant of the /JoCalf programming language with automatic dynamic function memoization features and built an interpreter for it in Ocaml.

stock exchange simulator gif
Election Predictor

Used US county 2016 and 2020 demographics data to predict voter patterns with 80% accuracy. Extracted and analyzed features, tuned SVMs, Neural networks and Decision trees. Then wrote a report on my design process.

[CS4780] Machine Learning, Cornell

Teaching Assistant

start: 08/2021
end: Present

Google SWE


start: 05/2021
end: 08/2021

Google STEP


start: 05/2020
end: 08/2020

Play And Learning Lab, Cornell

Research Assistant

start: 08/2020
end: 12/2020

Robots In Groups Lab, Cornell

Research Assistant

start: 02/2019
end: 08/2020

[CS1110] Intro. Computer Science, Cornell

Teaching Assistant

start: 12/2019
end: 05/2020